
José Matías Alvarado Mentado

José Matías Alvarado Mentado

Laboratorio: Teoría de Juegos y Aprendizaje Automático

Investigador Titular "Cinvestav 3C"


+52 55 5747 3800 Ext. 6555

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Áreas de investigación

Current research is in Mathematical models and Algorithms for automated reasoning and Machine learning of strategies.

  • Strategic Cooperation for Reducing Climate Warming.
  • Immune Response against Cancer Growth.
  • Nash equilibrium for Strategies in Baseball, Football and Soccer.
  • Positive Emotional Regulation for Enhancing Quality of Life.
  • Go Game Applying for Strategic Expansion - Reduction.



Matías Alvarado is bachelor (1989) and PhD (1998) in mathematics focus in Artificial Intelligence (AI). His major scientific contributions are:

  • Cooperations Strategies for Reducing Climate Warming (ongoing research).
  • Modeling and Computer Simulations of Immune Response Against Cancer by Ising Energy.
  • Applications of IA Knowledge Management and Decision Making in Petroleum Industry.
  • Election of Strategies in Sports Games with Nash Equilibrium Payoff.
  • Prediction of Positive Emotion Regulation for Improving Quality of Life.
  • Go game Mathematical modeling and Machine learning simulations.

He has published dozens of papers, 30 of them in top JCR journals. He is the co-inventor of 4 patents. He has advised 6 PhD thesis, 12 master thesis and 4 bachelor thesis, within AI, Physics and Mathematics. He’s member of Academia Mexicana de Ciencias (AMC), and co-founder of Mexican Academy of Computation (AMEXCOMP). He is a reviewer of top journals like Soft Computing, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Expert Systems with Applications, Pattern Recognition Letters, Energy, Applied Intelligence, among others.


Publicaciones recientes y/o relevantes

  • 1. Alfonso Rojas, Renato Arroyo, Fernando Rincón, Matías Alvarado. "Modeling cancer immunoediting in tumor microenvironment with system characterization through the ising-model Hamiltonian". BMC Bioinformatics, 23, Article number: 200. 2022..:
  • 2. Farid García Lamont, Jair Cervantes, Matías Alvarado. "Efficient Nucleus Segmentation of White Blood Cells mimicking the Human Perception of Color". Color Research & Application, 47(3), 657-675. June 2022 (publicación impresa); noviembre 2021 publicación en línea. DOI: 10.1002/col.22752. 2022.
  • 3. Barradas D., Alvarado Matías, Agostino M. and Cocho G., "Cancer growth and metastasis as a metaphor of Go gaming: an Ising model approach". PLOS ONE 13(5), pp. 1-18 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195654, May 2018.
  • 4. Alvarado Matías, Téllez-Muñoz J. "Computer football: plays, players and strategies choices". IEEE Latin America Transactions, 16(5) 1485-1492, DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2018.8408445. IEEE, Mayo 2018.
  • 5. Alvarado Matías, Yee A. "Nash Equilibrium for Collective Strategic Reasoning. Expert Systems with Applications", 2012, 39(15):12014–12025. DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.03.050.
  • 6. Alvarado Matías & García F., "Velocity Updating by Wheeled Vehicles, Navigating on Outdoor Terrains". Journal of Neural Computing and Application, 20 (7): 1097 – 1109, Springer, Verlag, 2011.


Proyectos relevantes

  • Juego cooperativos y no cooperativos con Equilibrio de Nash, modelo de Ising y distribución de probabilidades.
  • Estrategias cooperativas entre aseguradoras, financieras, industrias, gobiernos y sociedades para reducir el cambio climático.


Información relevante

My scientific work is interdisciplinary. My collaborators are experts in Artificial Intelligence logics, Machine learning, System biology, Immunology, Complex Networks, and pattern recognition. Most of my research has been published in top scientific journals. I’ve advised 6 Post-PhD young scientists.


Cinvestav © 2024
11/11/2024 01:36:13 p. m.